Friday, January 29, 2010

Class is Dismissed...... YES!!!

So our first song now has a title.... which is "Roll Call". We finally finished it yesterday, and even reached some new progress on our next song titled "Dedication". Once again, I'm exploring rapping as opposed to singing, and I'm actually starting to like it. I would never abandon my passion for vocal music, but rapping is something that i might consider making room for. Unfortunately, before the session was over, I had to leave the studio for another rehearsal. A very good friend of mine is doing a presentation on Praise & Worship for his graduation project, and invited me to sing. I've never been a person to deny the two things I love most [God and music respectively :)] no matter how busy I am. The presentation is tonight, so I'm trying my best not to talk much today in order to give my voice a break after last night's rehearsal. I think the whole process should be smooth sailing but I'm the the type who is always aware of those pesky little shortcomings, and tries to avoid them.

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