Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crazy dreams, frightening thoughts, falling tears

Last nignt I had the craziest dream. I had completed my graduation project, and followed through with my action plan flawlessly , but I failed because I missed the day that I was supposed to present because I had to fly to Los Angeles. I had benn offered deal with Jive Records, and had to be in the city to start recording my debut album.

After I woke up I started to think about myself from a perspective that I rarely consider. I know that I am a student, and have been for my entire life, but I never actually think about myself as a student because its become the norm for me. I was wondering…..

Would I really drop everything, including my education if it mean a shot at the big time? I’m perplexed. Following my dream would be amazing, but its such a big risk to take. The entertainment industry is probably the least secure career choice to make but I don’t know that I, as a person, would have the courage to take such a risk. As these thoughts continue to run through my mind I’m not only in deep pondering, but deep fear.

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