Friday, January 15, 2010

"Ok, Let's get with the school time. Let's get it over and done and get them diplomas"

So yesterday my new group in the Hip Hop on L.O.C.K. project finished our first song, which is currently referred to as "School Time", but a final title has not been confirmed. Recording it took me just a little out of my element, not only because it the subject matter wasn't something I was used to, but because I'm so used to being featured as a vocalist, as opposed to a rapper. Even though I wasn't feeling good, I got through the session, and did what I had to do for the sake of the group. We have already been invited to perform but we haven't decided if we're ready for the opportunity just yet. We've only been a group for a few months, so we have to get used to each other on stage before we are ready to be in front of people. Because we were such good friends before we formed Shinobi, with the help of the Hill House Association and Kassi Leadership Academy, we shouldn't have a hard time figuring each other out. I can't wait. Its been almost two yeas since I first entered the program through East Liberty Presbyterian Church's Hope Academy of the Arts,and gained my Bachelors in Hip Hop. and I've been itching to perform. My next step will be to start intense vocal training and then about two weeks before the Graduation i will put myself on a strict voice rest, eating mostly fruits, and drinking only tea and water. I have to be ready and give my best at all times, to be a success. You never know who will hear you or when, but you have to be prepared for your 15 minutes of fame. For all i know my career could depend on the next 16 weeks.

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