Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"All the right friends in all the right places"

Only the most dedicated of musicians would stay up all night recording a song knowing just a few hours later they would have to be at City High. Call me crazy, but I really enjoyed myself. An old friend of mine contacted me on MySpace yesterday, just to touch base and say hello. He asked..

"So, what have u been up 2? how u been??"

and i replied

"Just fine thanks, still doin this music thing, what about u? Stayin outta trouble?"

and that was the beginning of the.... beginning.

We continued to converse about the music business and its ups and downs. We thought that collaborating on a song would be something to do, just for fun and we would at least get to spend a little time together. So he sent me a beat, I replied with a concept. Then he sent me feedback, so i sent him a hook. I still cant believe that I stayed up so late doing this, but I really like the song. We haven't given it a title yet, but for now I refer to it as "Come on Thru." I can't wait until its finished. Maybe we'll pull another all- niter today. And to think my greatest success of the week happened when I was barely awake at 2 in the morning.

You never know i guess??? =)

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